Forte 4GL was created as an application server along with a custom language, TOOL (Transactional Object Oriented Language). TOOL only runs on the Forte application server, many users simply refer to their "TOOL" applications as "Forte" applications. This blog is intended for Forte 4GL users. This particular example help to connect their system with Java based client through Web Services.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Common Pitfalls

Errors I encountered while doing this example.

Please read the 1st post on this Blog to get the overview of communication between Forte and Java through Web Services.

1. I have helloWorld application running on Server and I created my actual Forte Service and I deployed both application with same servers IP Address and port.
So, I was getting error. So I have to bring done my Forte HelloWorldServer and restart my other Forte Service.
2. Naming conversion – Forte is case insensitive and we have given attributes starting with capital letter. And when we deploy Forte generates the java beans (For PersonBO kind of classes). And according to java beans specification you should have attributes names starting with lower case, since java is case sensitive.
I was getting error - Unable to retrieve PropertyDescriptor for property Xxx
So, I have change the attributes on Forte Side and redeploy.
3. If you have Forte Data type like DateTimeData, TextNullable, DoubleData, TextNullable and your methods are using these as attributes. The Forte will fail to generate them as WebService methods.

4. If you try to pass special characters via WebService you will get error. (SOAP Fault; code=SOAP-ENV:Server string=XMLSvr.ProtocolSOAP.getResponseText: Internal Error - no response envelope), Forte WS cannot handle special characters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have done everything you have sad but when i try do start up the application I obtain this error message failed to advertise
Failed to advertise the object using the specified parameters under the HTTP distributed
controller for the reasons below